Carers Support

You can view ‘Living well in your community: your West Sussex Care Guide 2022/23’ online as an interactive eBook and browse through it electronically.

If you’re looking for care services in West Sussex, the guide provides invaluable information and advice to help you. It also includes advice on improving your health and wellbeing and information to support you to live independently. Current rates and charges are provided.

Additional information

A summary of the Care Guide information about financial assistance that you might be entitled to is available on our benefits and payments checklist page.

Print resources

The following documents are intended for printing and may not be suitable for users with assistive technologies.

Carers Support West Sussex

Every day 6,000 people in the UK become unpaid carers, looking after family or friends who are older, disabled or seriously ill. While caring can be both wonderful and tough, the help and support they give can present some trials and tribulations. The caring role can often become a full-time job, leaving carers with little or no time for themselves.

Here at Carers Support West Sussex, we look to provide unpaid carers with information and guidance along with practical and emotional support, so they feel valued and supported. We want to help solve financial concerns or alleviate the often-felt feelings of isolation and loneliness.


Attendance Allowance

Attendance Allowance helps with extra costs if you have a disability severe enough that you need someone to help look after you.

It’s paid at 2 different rates and how much you get depends on the level of care that you need because of your disability.

You could get £61.85 or £92.40 a week to help with personal support if you’re both:

It does not cover mobility needs.

The other benefits you get can increase if you get Attendance Allowance.

You do not have to have someone caring for you in order to claim.

If you do have a carer, they could get Carer’s Allowance if you have substantial caring needs.

Tu Vida

When illness or disability strike, a lot of people can feel the impact. Suddenly it can seem as though life is on lockdown — whether it’s you being cared for, or you’re providing care to somebody else.

Our aim is to help unlock doors; opening up the world again so that you can re-connect with others and make choices that enrich your life.

At TuVida, we know that there is no ‘one one-size-fits-all’ formula for effective care and support. It’s our aim to offer the best, most appropriate care and support to people who need it.

Connect to Support

Supporting you to live well in West Sussex

By providing you with information and advice to help you look after yourself, stay safe and connected with your local community.

Southern Water – Am I eligible for a discount on my bills?

You’re eligible for a discount if any of the following circumstances applies to you:

  • Your household income is low
  • Someone in your home gets a means-tested benefit
  • You’ve got three or more children under 19 living at home
  • Someone living with you needs more water because of a medical condition
  • You haven’t made a payment to us for a while

We know it can be tough, so we really want to help if you’re struggling to pay your bill. You could be entitled to one of our payment schemes.

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