Diabetic Self-Care At Home
Please follow this link https://www.sussexhealthandcare.uk/keepsussexsafe/help-us-help-you-this-winter/looking-after-yourself-and-others/type-2-diabetes for some help and support information on managing your diabetes. The information is provided by the NHS Sussex Health and Care Partnership and will help you stay well this winter.
Click on the resources below for more informaition.
Assessing your feet
Monitoring blood pressure
Information prescriptions
Information prescriptions are designed to help you improve your health targets to manage your diabetes.
Record your blood pressure here
If you have been requested to submit your blood pressure readings you can do this here.
Healthy Living for People with Type 2 Diabetes
A new digital education programme for people living with Type 2 diabetes that is available now, free of charge.
What is ‘Healthy Living for people with Type 2 Diabetes’?
Healthy Living is an online structured education programme that provides people with the skills and knowledge they need to manage their type 2 diabetes effectively.
The programme is a great way to learn more about type 2 diabetes, find advice on emotional and mental well-being, and access tools that will help them adopt and maintain healthy lifestyle choices.
Who is the programme for?
- People living in England with Type 2 diabetes who are over the age of 18.
- Carers of people who are living with Type 2 diabetes can also access the programme.
- Those whoave been newly diagnosed or those who have been living with diabetes for several years can benefit from the programme.
To access the programme the person must have an email address, access to a device (e.g computer, tablet, smartphone), access the internet and be comfortable following simple online instructions. Access is available through local libraries, some of whom provide a device loaning scheme
How should people use the programme?
To register, the person living with diabetes or a carer, just needs to be provided with this URL and they can create an account: https://www.healthyliving.nhs.uk/.
Once registered the learner can create a profile to tailor their learning journey with a selection of key topics split up into bite size articles which can be worked through at pace that suits the learner.
Other points to be aware:
- Healthy Living is in the final stages of development and may be subject to minor changes. However it is live and available for people to use. A final version of the online education is planned for September at which point it will go through Qismet accreditation.
- Referral to Healthy Living can be coded as ‘offered’ in EMIS and SystemOne in the same way as other structured education programmes and will qualify for QOF points.
- More information will be provided when the final version of the programme is available including additional functionality to provide a monthly report to practices on the activity of their patients on the programme. This will help practices with coding of the education correctly.
Feeling unwell?
You can find more information and recourses on Diabetes from Trend UK by visiting their website
Want more information?
Visit the NHS website for more information on Diabetes.
Is English not your first language?
You can find information on Diabetes in a wide range of languages here.