Minor Injury Unit
The Park Surgery Minor Injuries Unit is open Monday to Friday during our core hours for the following conditions:
- Grazes
- Cuts
- Stings
- Burns & Scalds Advice on wounds
- Bumps
- Splinters
- Insect bites
- Black eyes
- Dog bites
- Foreign bodies from eyes
NOT for the following:
- Suspected fractures
- X-rays
- Children’s head wounds
- Tetanus
- Injuries over 72 hours old.
Patients do not need to be registered at The Park Surgery to be seen.
Patients requiring treatment for a minor injury can telephone 01903 734999 or simply turn up at the practice as long as you are registered at one of the following surgeries:
• Coppice & Angmering Medical Centre
• Fitzalan Medical Group
• The Park Surgery
• Westcourt Medical Centre
• Willow Green Surgery
We aim to see all patients who require treatment within 30 minutes. You can attend this service without a referral.