You the patient are entitled to:
– Be greeted helpfully and efficiently at the reception desk and on the telephone.
– Total confidentiality.
– Be offered a new patient health check on joining the practice.
– Expect that patients with urgent medical conditions will be given priority and will be seen as soon as possible, even when this will cause delay to booked patients.
– Be seen within one working day should you have a medically urgent complaint.
– Have access to your medical records subject to any limitations in the law.
– Receive the most appropriate care, given by suitably qualified people.
– Choose whether or not to take part in training of medical students.
With these rights come responsibilities, and for our patients this means:
– As the staff should treat the patients with courtesy and friendliness, so the patients should treat the staff. They are working under doctors’ orders and in the interests of all.
– A doctor’s time is limited with many patients to see.
– Please do not delay the doctor unnecessarily.
– An appointment is for one person only.
– Be on time for appointments and give adequate notice of a cancellation.
– Keep the practice informed of any change of address or telephone number.
– Allow 48 hours to process your repeat prescription. It is your responsibility not to run out of medication. Always make your request in writing.
– Out of hours calls are for medically urgent problems. Please remember this is an emergency service.
You can help us provide an effective service by:
– Treating members of the practice team with courtesy and respect – just as they will treat you.
– Keeping appointments and being on time or giving as much notice as possible if you wish to cancel or alter an appointment.
– Coming to the surgery whenever possible and only requesting a home visit if you are not well enough to get to the surgery.
– Asking for home visits before 10.00am whenever possible.
– Informing the practice of any change of address or circumstances and making sure the practice has your telephone number (home and work if possible). It is also helpful for the practice to have your mobile telephone number and email address (if possible).
– Making requests for repeat prescriptions in good time.